
(why are you even writting this?)

So recently I have taken to writing my thoughts that take place while I am typing in parenthesise. (you can't spell for your life) I feel like it is a bad habit. I even do it sometimes when I am writing stuff out by hand. The problem is that when I write letters by hand for example I get really distracted and so if I start writing in the letters where my mind is wandering a one page letter will turn into a five page letter which takes at least five times as long to write and so my mind wanders five times as much. The point is that I guess I am just amusing myself. hahaha I am so amusing to myself. (are you really going to post this? yes I am cause it makes me feel like I am updating myself even though I'm not really saying anything. "updating yourself" are you? that is so like you just thinking about yourself.) The point is (you have no point and no you shouldn't post this). (good job being grammatically correct with your period outside of the bracket, you think you are so cool.)



So I visited a friend of mine once who had moved from the H'burg to the city and she introduced me to the concept of scanning. The idea is that you look around at people and if your gazes meet and hold a little while it makes it potentially okay to walk over and introduce ones self. This is at least my understanding of the concept. It allows for an entry into meeting someone that you otherwise would have no reason to tal to.

In Paris you apparently are not allowed to meet people in the metro. I think this kinda holds true for most cities. I mean it is somewhat allowable if there is no one around and you are looking to bum a cig or vice versa. The cig in this case can be used as the reason to meet, at least that is one way it works here in Paris. There is an art student who I have seen twice on the metro. Both times she has been sketching the other passengers. I want to ask her if I can see her sketches sometime.

The thing that makes me uncomfortable though is when you scan, catch a gaze and then it holds and it becomes a battle of wills who will look away first. I got into one of these earlier today on accident with a girl wearing a 9 inch nails hoodie. It lasted for 3-4 seconds and ended when I blinked a touch slower than a normal blink. Maybe I am just spineless.


"Did I already greet you by the hand?"

This question introduces a topic that I have often had problems with in the United States. I feel, though this isn't necessarily true, that Americans are cold and impersonal. This comes from traditions of greetings. In the United States at points it seems as though we try our hardest to avoid greetings as though they are an inconveniences. When we show up at a large gathering we might wave a greeting and say "hello everyone." After that the greeting obligation is taken care of. If people are busy they might wave or even forget the greeting all together if there has been some general awareness of the other's presence for a little while. When one leaves it is similar, you wave or shake hands from a distance, a yard or so.

In contrast when I get to work in the morning. I go around and shake hands with everyone and say hello to each one. There is no waving or nodding a greeting. On a couple of occasions not wanting to interrupt conversations I have entered a room and avoided the greeting. At that point someone is sure to comment on me being tired or something as a reason for not having greeted them. It can sometimes be hard to remember if you greeted someone when you shake thirty or forty people's hands in the morning. So the question, "have I already greeted you by the hand?" becomes one asked hopefully not more than once a day. The situation also has give rise to the necessity of the "re-hello" when someone accidentally greets you a second time.


Self Analysis

Currently I am suffering from a bout of low motivation. Today it is my french homework which was supposed to be easy enough, a hundred word summary, along with a desire to get the essentials done and call it a day.

So what are the essentials?
Get up, eat something, wash my face.
Get to work before 8:20 AM.
Eat lunch (this one is the easiest daily task)
Go to my french class.
Go home.
Eat something for dinner.

Wow, looking at that having written it out makes for a boring life. I should add some fun things to the list. Okay fun things do exist on the list but they are not daily they happen every few days. Perhaps I need a girlfriend to keep me out of the house more.

Wow, again. That sounded french. Or at least that is what a few french have told me. "Find a french girlfriend." No I think that what I really need to to finely get my bicycle repaired that will get me out of the house. It would also be nice if my cough would go away. (I was sick for the majority of last week)