
Self Analysis

Currently I am suffering from a bout of low motivation. Today it is my french homework which was supposed to be easy enough, a hundred word summary, along with a desire to get the essentials done and call it a day.

So what are the essentials?
Get up, eat something, wash my face.
Get to work before 8:20 AM.
Eat lunch (this one is the easiest daily task)
Go to my french class.
Go home.
Eat something for dinner.

Wow, looking at that having written it out makes for a boring life. I should add some fun things to the list. Okay fun things do exist on the list but they are not daily they happen every few days. Perhaps I need a girlfriend to keep me out of the house more.

Wow, again. That sounded french. Or at least that is what a few french have told me. "Find a french girlfriend." No I think that what I really need to to finely get my bicycle repaired that will get me out of the house. It would also be nice if my cough would go away. (I was sick for the majority of last week)

1 comment:

Valerie and Justin said...

get your dang bike fixed, boy! it opens up a new world of excitement and adventure!

note: even more adventure if you don't have lights and ride after dark. adventure, meaning, of course, potential tragedy and your very own demise. :) (no worries - i'm still waiting for my first accident, which will probably happen tomorrow, now that i wrote that)