
The End in Stight

We are coming up on the end of April already. I've been telling people here that I am going to be leaving at the end of July. This reality that there are only three months left is beginning to scare me. I think that it is primarily because I am beginning to feel connected to this place and the people that I am hanging out with. In many ways this fear of leaving is illogical because many of the friends that I have here are seemingly as transient as I am. A friend of mine from Indiana that I try to hang out with at least once a week will be leaving at the end of May. The first CSer that I hung out with here in Paris will be leaving at the end of June and then some of the others that I know will be leaving by Aug. Pretty much everyone that I choose to hang out with is leaving. Most are enrolled in schools somewhere in the fall.

The time though is approaching when I need to quickly do all of those things on my list of things I had wanted to do while I was here. This weekend I am hoping to go and visit a friend in Germany then in three weeks go off to Ireland. I am really not seeing as much of Europe as I had wanted to but then I think that that is one of the problems of living somewhere you end up getting stuck there. I had wanted to go to italy or spain as well but now I doubt that I will make it to either. It just feels as though there won't be the time. Leaving Paris in three months I feel will be strikingly similar to leaving Abidjan five years ago. I will know the city and some of the country. I will know some of the habits and customs of the people who live here. But most importantly many of my friends will have left at about the same time that I left. The home that I feel Paris is now will never exist again.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

... so perhaps if I read more of your blog I'd find out. So I guess this means you won't be going to colloque in Lithuania. Well, if you want to drop in to London before you leave, as it's only 4 hours and all, you're more than welcome.