
Dr. James W. Holsinger Jr. needs to stop adding abriviations to his name and start doing his job!

Even though the surgeon general puts warning messages on alcohol and cigarettes people still drink and smoke. My question is, why aren't more things that are bad for you labeled as such by the surgeon general? I mean if America is fat why what's the surgeon general doing to discourage kids from eating candy or sweets? As far as I can tell, nothing! Is anyone else scandalized? I guess not. The French put the warnings in ads for alcohol and cigarettes but they don't stop there. They have little warnings at the bottom of their advertisements for soda pop, too, for example saying "for your health, avoid snacking between meals" or "for your health, avoid eating things that are very sweet, very salty or very fatty" along with at least one other slogan which I can't remember at the moment. According to wikipedia "The Surgeon General also has many informal duties, such as educating the American public about health issues and advocating healthy lifestyle choices." I don't remember the Surgeon General doing any such thing aside from the cig and alcohol. How am I supposed to know that a lot of sugar is not good for me????

1 comment:

Valerie and Justin said...

julian, you are lipid king.

and the fact that you are able to recognize this says that you are smarter than the average american. shoot, you also speak two languages, which the "average" caucasian american can't do.

congratulations -- you have evolved further than the previous generation.

so stop eating so many lipids!