
Being a Temp

When I say that my job as a home health aide is emotionally difficult most people say that they can imagine because often I work with people with developmental disabilities or people who's physical state is deteriorating. Though the state of my patients might be difficult to deal with the part that comes to my mind the most quickly has to do with the fact that I am a temp.

I fill in at group homes that have staffing issues or on the short-term while a client is still at home before they are moved to more regular care. Over the past 8 months I have worked consistently 8-56hours/week at a specific group home for 15 people with heavy developmental disabilities. I know the job and the residents really well, my co-workers seem to like me and I know for a fact the administration loves me. Starting pay for their staff is about $8/hour with benefits. However as a temp I cost this group home about $20/hour, just over half of which I see. The fact of the matter is that I am just too expensive for them. Working directly for them I would have to take a 25% pay cut and I'd have to get involved in their messy internal politics.

This week they managed to hire enough staff to become fully staffed effectively letting me go. The part of this that is the most emotionally difficult is that over the past 8 months I have trained 4 or 5 people to do my job each time decreasing my hours and this last time it put me out of a job. I do go to other clients but they don't pay as well, I get significantly fewer hours and it isn't the group home I know so well. One of the many things that this job has taught me is what it feels like to watch your job be given to someone else who is less skilled, less experienced and an unknown only because they are cheaper labor. As a student of economics I completely understand their position.


Sex and Body (gallery)

The images in this gallery are my final project for a b&w class I took my senior year at EMU.

Essentially the objective of this project was gender fucking which means according to:

: To purposely present with strongly visible elements of both sexes (e.g., to have a beard and wear a dress). The intent of gender-fucking is typically to provoke people to think about gender roles.

Is the lovely practice of bending stereotypical gender appearances and mannerisms resulting in a mix of masculinity, femininity, boy, girl, WHATEVER...

This is very similar to gender bending. I hope you enjoy. The original artist statement can be found by clicking on "view" in the upper left hand corner of the gallery page and then clicking on "About these Photos."

Remember to click on the image to go to the gallery of images.


Developing Landscapes (gallery)

These are photos form my Developing Landscapes photography project for my large format photography class. There are 10 images so make sure to see them all by clicking on the image below. There is also a brief explanation below.

Development is seen as being something that is intrinsically good. In this project I took photos of a Harrisonburg development called Liberty Square. In this development the houses have four different possible color schemes as well as a couple options for accent windows aside from that all of the houses are almost identical. I took these images and cut the houses out using an exacto knife and then taped them onto landscapes. This method of inserting the images was intentionally done to highlight how abnormal these cookie cutter houses appear in landscapes similar to those which they were built upon.