
Developing Landscapes (gallery)

These are photos form my Developing Landscapes photography project for my large format photography class. There are 10 images so make sure to see them all by clicking on the image below. There is also a brief explanation below.

Development is seen as being something that is intrinsically good. In this project I took photos of a Harrisonburg development called Liberty Square. In this development the houses have four different possible color schemes as well as a couple options for accent windows aside from that all of the houses are almost identical. I took these images and cut the houses out using an exacto knife and then taped them onto landscapes. This method of inserting the images was intentionally done to highlight how abnormal these cookie cutter houses appear in landscapes similar to those which they were built upon.


mstyer said...

cool stuff julian. reminds me of some of the stuff i saw at centre pompidou. did you see that exhibit?

keri k said...

people just WISH the views from their houses were that unobstructed. we each want to build our castles but keep everyone else from doing the same around us.

Ellies Wonder said...

cool idea Julian. I really like this. I actually looked at the pictures before I read the explanation. I'm glad I did it in that order, it was oddly interesting.

Peevee said...

Looks like the "wastelands", which I think is another take on your intent. Bravo!