
Sex and Body (gallery)

The images in this gallery are my final project for a b&w class I took my senior year at EMU.

Essentially the objective of this project was gender fucking which means according to:

: To purposely present with strongly visible elements of both sexes (e.g., to have a beard and wear a dress). The intent of gender-fucking is typically to provoke people to think about gender roles.

Is the lovely practice of bending stereotypical gender appearances and mannerisms resulting in a mix of masculinity, femininity, boy, girl, WHATEVER...

This is very similar to gender bending. I hope you enjoy. The original artist statement can be found by clicking on "view" in the upper left hand corner of the gallery page and then clicking on "About these Photos."

Remember to click on the image to go to the gallery of images.


keri k said...

right now the image only links to the image, not a gallery... :{

on a positive note, Kurt really has maintained his girlish figure.

j Wieb-J said...

alright I fixed it thanks keri